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Ghana be a Round 2!

We are back for year 2 in Ghana and a lot of changes! When we left in the spring, we had 2 sick with Malaria, 1 case of head lice, everything packed and moved into a new condo (the same day we flew) and a lot of worries about the next year. I am pleased to report that our return has been much smoother! We were blessed to have friends make sure our beds were clean and covered, a filling home-cooked meal was waiting for us, and our water was working! We quickly unpacked and started rearranging things in our new home. This house/condo is exactly the same as the last WITH 2 square feet of extra space! Let me tell you, it feels like 40 feet!!!! It also has ceiling fans in all the bedrooms, hot water in the kitchen, bars on all the windows, a bigger kitchen, a door that opens in the back, and it is NOT sharing a wall with the street and night clubs that like to play so loud! These all feel like luxuries to us since we lived without them last year! Praise God for the small mercies He ...

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