August was a huge month of changes, beginnings and ends for us. We began our third year with PICS (several new teachers), rounded out our first summer in Korea, cried many nights as we spent our last days with our favorite people in the world, and settled into life with our ever changing and growing toddler :)
Isaac's first coloring :) |
Traveling to Seoul. I think we went to get my
Korean Driver's License and also visited a few touristy places
while we were out and about.
Isaac loved sitting in his own seat on the bus but he still fell asleep :) |
It's hot! Splashing the water is AWESOME! |
SCBC welcome dinner for local area ministries. |
Ice Cream Party!
We hosted an "end of summer ice cream party" at
our house....everyone came which was unexpected.
The temp in our house didn't go back to normal for 3 hours
after people left! It was a crowd but it was a good time...
and we had ice cream! |
Isaac imitating grown ups ;) |
Auntie Fay took Isaac to Lotte's play area and he had a field
day with the ball pit. It was pretty cool. The balls travelled through
some tubes and filled up a bucket. When the bucket was full
it spilled over. I loved seeing Isaac's amazement while watching the
balls in the tubes! We had so much fun with Auntie Fay! |
It's so hot, we've taken to sleeping in the living room, the
only room with aircon! Isaac's room gets quite hot, and
even with 3 fans circulating at precise angles, it doesn't cool down.
I actually really enjoyed sleeping out there.
Unfortunately, this also means we haven't turned the aircon off for several days...weeks...
and we know what our bill will look like! |
Playtime and business! Discovering all kinds of signs, big guy shoes, sitting in his favorite chair, helping with dishes, working a pen, building a zoo, pushing every button, flexible baby, wearing momma's sunglasses, riding on the wagon, watching the tube in the nude, open and shut, silly cheeks, cute little face, stealing dad's crutch! |
Silly baby bath time with our favorite Auntie Fay :) |
Today I taught Isaac up and down. We laid on the floor and put our feet up and down, up and down. Soon Isaac was saying the words and cheering for us both! I love this kid and I love this stage of learning! |
Caleb and Isaac had fun at the SCBC youth group lock in. Of course Isaac and I only stayed for the beginning of the evening, but he had a blast with the big kids and the balloons! |
Everyone's here! All the staff have arrived and settled in. At the end of staff orientation we always have a progressive dinner. This year's dinner was super fun and delicious! I love our staff at PICS! |
This may or may not have happened en route at the progressive dinner ;) |
Rainy days! After several rainy days, Isaac and I decided to just go outside and SPLASH around! We walked all the way to the library (which is only one block, but walking with a 16 mos old and an umbrella is quite an experience!) Isaac also loves holding the umbrella. At the library we found some books to read, but Isaac was too excited to sit and read them. When we left it was raining even harder, but Iz didn't care, he just kept on splishing and splashing! |
Experiencing life! Isaac "sings" into the guitar stand, crawling learned after walking ;), using the computer, playing on the roof with dad, sleeping like a pro, pushing Mr. Shrinky Bear on his car, drinking from big cups, blueberry smoothie, daddy's shoes again!, soccer style, looking outside! |
On a "stroller date" Isaac and Emma ended up with ice cream and mommas did not give them! The turkish ice cream man gave them free ice cream. So, we let them have a little and then *oops* the ice cream fell on the floor! |
Another outdoor adventure. We went to a park at a nearby apartment complex. But Isaac didn't want to play at the park. He had the most fun running up and down the ramps at the entrances! He also explored the grasses, climbed by himself, and rode next to his shadow! <3 |
Elem Chapel has begun. This year we are studying the Old Testament. It feels like there have been several challenges to the beginning of chapel this year and I just pray that our students will see God and his truth no matter what. |
Isaac's favorite person, I'm sure of it! Auntie Fay! (Okay, maybe she's my favorite person too!) We had lunch with them on their last day of work! Wowza, I can't believe it's already here. |
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