As much as it makes me sad that I can't stay current in blogging, I really love looking back at these pictures and memories! Fall is one of my favorite times of year. I love the clothes and the weather and the things we do. Here's a glimpse into our Fall2012!
Octorber started with a holiday here, so on one of the days off
the ladies from ICS gathered for an Indian cooking lesson.
(A student's mother taught and it was ALL delish!) |
We aren't quite sure how we ended up with a box of
Spam and Tuna but Isaac really likes stacking them and fitting
them into their proper spaces!
Somehow the hanbok seems to really accentuate the cans ;) |
Iz and Mr. Shrinky Bear on Chuseok 2012. |
My silly dude <3 |
He's a very skilled repair man, dontchaknow.
Isaac is SOOOO curious about everything. He pretty much
takes apart or flips over everything he touches just
to see how it works. I love watching him! |
Octorber days:
Big man climbing stairs at the park, walking in cowboy boots,
eating the sofa, sleeping in the sun on momma, watching music
at the park, going for a walk with dadda, riding the teeter totter alone,
picking out Rocky DVDs to watch, carrying his own bag, always kicking a ball,
protective of momma, have guitar-will ride. |
Time for the ICS school wide fall picnic!!!!! |
Play times at the ICS school wide picnic!
It was an exhausting day for this little dude. He was asking
to go in the van so he could go home to sleep and then
he wound up sleeping on my leg even after he "woke up." |
Testing out McDonalds. We took daddy there for breakfast
before his meeting one time, and then a few weeks later Isaac
had his first Happy Meal. It was a fun family date night at McDonalds :) |
Growing up:
taller and taller-too big to lie down with Mr. Shrinky Bear.
bopping the bop em
learning to bounce on the bed and loving when daddy does too
hanging on the shopping carts at the end
musical pots and pans
hanging with his bestest bud Emma |
This is how we watched the air show this year. We couldn't
get on base in time, so we watched from a hill near by.
It was loud enough from here!
I don't remember what the bruises were from... |
More growing up:
Trying to leave home with his backpack,
new clothes from gma and standing on momma's toes,
laying down with the iPad and mimicking Skype with momma,
eating alone and walking in the rain with dadda |
HANDSOME little man, that's My Isaac Dan. |
Fall Recipe Exchange for church. I loved the decorations this year.
We made homemade pumpkin spice, shared our favorite
fall recipes and cooked up some gumbo. |
Making Cajun Gumbo at the Recipe Exchange.
I never knew that I liked this!
(The right column shows the rue getting darker and darker.) |
Recipe Exchange photos--the gumbo pots show the one we made (left) and
the one made earlier (right). |
Happy Halloweeny |
Sometimes I just love the simple things.
Pumpkins on the back of a bike for example. |
Around the house:
helping dadda with pushups, new crayon jar, holding baby,
reading alone, reading together, jammin with headphones,
puddles galore, running with Emma, reaching new heights and
lots of things he shouldn't! |
Silly family photo, magnets and BUCKLES!
He can finally buckle. He's been working on this for M.O.N.T.H.S.!!!!!! |
Sweet little family photo shoot we did outside the school. I adore these pictures.
The fall sky was beautiful and I love the harvest field. Can you spy the tractor? |
Out family of 3 and our ministry. I can't explain why this place feels so much like home. |
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