We've made it through December and now for a rest! We are always busy but this month was literally event after event after event after event.... I'm so thankful that we get some quality family time together over our Christmas Break and we can resume second semester refreshed!
Take a look at what we did!
These are just some cute shots of Isaac exploring at our friends house. We are loving getting to know our new staff, even surprise visits to their house are welcome and Isaac loves it. |
Playing with a Christmas gift from last year, before he gets a bunch of new gifts this year! This bop 'em thing Isaac loves. He punches and jumps on it and wrestles like a 1 and 1/2 year old can ;) |
(top right) Helping mommy at school with the Donations Drive and being silly at home with sock-hands! |
Staff Christmas Party! We had a International theme, a fun photo booth, souveniers game, winter scene decorating contest and a surprise performance from the kitchen and cleaning staff doing Gangnam Style! |
Isaac helped me make Jason's birthday cake this year! He's actually becoming a great helper. He's so curious about the kitchen and wants to pull up his chair. So today I finally let him :) The other 2 pictures are at Jason's birthday dinner, singing and clapping and Isaac doing Gangnam Style. Jason is 30! |
Thank you Lord for these precious children and the work they do for your kingdom as they perform this play. Hotel Bethlehem was the elementary musical this year and Isaac sat through the whole thing amazed. Jason was asked to add extra power to the HS groups (top). |
A whole day in Seoul. Riding the subway, eating at Vatos Tacos, sharing chips and a picture of my friends after Messiah concert (Laura and I were in the choir). |
Christmas time is here!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW CUTE CAN HE GET?!?!?!?! |
Our new family tradition. We were contemplating starting some kind of advent calendar this year, but they don't really sell these "chocolate candies inside the box" kind in Korea...and I didn't make one. But someone randomly bought this for us! What a blessing. Even though it's Cars and chocolate we did incorporate the Christmas story by sharing 1 verse or part of the story each night before opening the window. We did this every night right after dinner and all three of us shared the tiny piece of chocolate! |
Hehehe |
Donations Drive winners delivering the goods to the Pyeongtaek Food Bank. Although I don't speak Korean, I can't communicate well, I do very much enjoy the way we can bless our community and build a relationship with this food bank. They now have our pictures hanging in the store which means a lot to me. They really value this and I'm blessed by it too! |
Cookie decorating day. Mrs. Haselman designed a special day to decorate cookies and hand them out at the Main Gate of Osan. She invited some of the kids from school to help decorate, bag and deliver the cookies. I didn't get to go with them for the delivery, but what an awesome idea! More reaching out to the community at our fingertips. I love this and I hope we can find more ways like this to get our students, teachers and families involved in easy evangelism! |
Christmas day staff get together. Just a simple time to spend the day together. We read a story to the kids and played Pin the Nose of Rudolph, ate lots of food, and shared the day together. Christmas away from family is a little better when we get to spend it with our friends like today. |
Opening presents! Isaac understood the opening concept this year, but he wanted to play with the toys right away....so we let him! When he wanted to open another gift we let him. This went on for DAYS! Here: (big) opening wrapping paper, (top) drumming on this cool gift box, (mid) idk about this hat!, (bot) WOW! blocks! |
More christmas (top) Isaac's new blocks, mat and pjs and a silly pose, (left) watching a movie from inside a basket, (center) literally ROLLING back and forth on his fun new Pororo play mat! (right) discovering new play foods! |
More Christmas (top) awesome musical puzzle that plays the sounds of the instruments when you put it together (mid) fishie umbrella (bot) watching Pororo with Pororo Cheese! |
Winter play date with his bff Emma! They ALWAYS play piano together, they found bubble wrap today and had a ball, also loved the headbands and playing with all of Isaac's new toys! I love these days. It's starting to become bittersweet knowing that this precious friend is leaving in 6 months. |
Best Cookie Exchange Ever: It actually ended up being a "Party Snacks Exchange" but that's what made it great! We had hummus, black bean dip, spinach artichoke dip, choco chip cookie dip, PB cookies, buckeyes, cherry mash, red bean muffins, and party punch! What a wonderful spread. The company was wonderful too, a group of my favorite ladies from church! Happy New Year! |
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