Fall Update 2013

Bad blogger me. I am so far behind on how I *like* to blog that I will never catch up. Here's to starting over and redeeming myself with the future!

What I've missed in the last few months (because the reality of the many, many months I missed I cannot seem to recall):
Isaac grew taller.
Isaac grew cuter.
Isaac started talking A LOT.
Jason and I had a great summer together in Korea.
We had a super fun time with Sarah when she visited.
We took our first Korean road trip.
Went to our first Korean beach.
I slept a lot.
We are pregnant!
School started.
We are both working.
I loath finding childcare.
God provided an awesome babysitter!
No director at our school still.
Awesome new staff members.
Great start to the year.
It got really hot.
But it cooled down again, and quicker than before.
We are having a boy!

And....I think we are caught up! ;)

Really, Jason and I have just grown to love our students more and more this summer and fall. We see them in good and "real" situations and can't help to love them with an extra helping of grace.

This year, the NICS organization has a theme: Community of Grace. I love this theme. The more I dive into grace and all of it's meanings, the more I see how desperately needed this is. Grace is not something that comes easy or even natural to me, but it is something God is changing in my life.

Our school is awesome and God is working great things here. He gave us leadership for the beginning of a year with no director. He gave us the exact amount of students we needed to open on budget. He gave us passion-filled teachers. He entrusted us with all these wonderful kids again. I know God is NOT finished here. I know he still wants us here.

My roles in the school are never in the classroom but I have many. I still lead elementary chapel--a super awesome year of teaching the New Testament this year, I step into fill Laurie's shoes as LMCR (local member care rep) which is basically providing support for the teachers as we all live overseas, and now I also work in the office, maintaining the grade book system. I love still being connected to the school, so that the students recognize me. Please pray that I will find more ways to reach out to them because I so badly want to connect with many of them and that just doesn't come naturally for me. But I feel God pushing me.

Jason is still PE teacher and Athletic Director with an oversized handful of extra titles as well. He began a discipleship for HS boys over the summer that has continued into the school year. I admire is passion for the kids. And he gets to coach volleyball this year. Now he can say he's coached all three sports!

I am excited for this year ahead with PICS. I know it's not the easiest year, but it is still exciting to me. God is using this year still. We are responsible for being open to that and I am grateful he still has us here.

Please continue to pray for us, though! Here are some suggested points:
God will provide the right director for PICS.
God will keep bringing us new students.
Protection and health of our second baby boy.
Valuable ways to interact with the students and staff.
Safety over seas.
Our own personal relationships.


  1. This update made me feel like I was sitting in your living room, sipping hocho, and watching Isaac zoom around on his Pororo car. I so wish that we could have some time like that! I miss you Lantzes everyday, and even the littlest things remind me of you all (like tupperware--remember when John reorganized your cabinets??). LOVE YOU!


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