The Christmas program this year was Dec 9th. The elementary did a really did musical play called the First Leon. In case you didn't catch that, Leon is Noel spelled backwards! Leon is a goofy little guy that wants to be in the Christmas pageant but always messes up his lines. He is finally cast as the understudy to the Inn Keeper and his only line is "No room." He's so excited and on the day of the performance, you guessed it, he gets to go on as the Inn Keeper. Not only does he deliver his one line but he also offers Mary and Joseph to have his room instead of turning them away. He knew the true meaning of Christmas and in his "mistake" he helped everyone see that truth.
Isn't it incredible that God can use our daily mistakes for his glory? I just realized that as I was writing this post! I make mistakes all the time. I don't do what I'm supposed to but God is still using me and my mistakes. They can only be redeemed by the love of Jesus Christ, born on Christmas Day.
Christmas BLOWS MY MIND away every year. I mean, seriously, the lady was 9 months pregnant and rode a DONKEY? Instead of a doctor or women to help her, Mary birthed Jesus with cows and Joseph? What? Okay....I'm way off topic now....
The rest of the Christmas program was really nice as well. The HS choir, MS choirs and HS orchestra all performed under the director of Mr. Sortore. He's doing such a great job getting the students involved in music and performing. Enjoy some pictures!
Moms and babies of ICS |
Lantz family |
HS-MS choirs combined |
Elementary program....kindergarten is so cute to watch! |
Isaac LOVED watching the show :) |
Love that Lantz Family photo. And I love your pregnant lady on a donkey commentary. Your commentary is always the best.