About half way through the year, I started to fizzle out on my desire to want to lead Elementary Chapel. Although I knew I would need to finish out the year, I wasn't looking forward to it and I certainly was doubting my future of continuing to help the following year.
I'm happy to report, God renewed my desire for this necessary ministry. As hard as it was on me to leave my baby or take him with me and then handle all the distractions he brings, I was encouraged several times through God's perfect timing to keep pressing forward.
In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ Acts 20:35
I was reminded of how much of a ministry I was providing, not only to the students, but also to the teachers. God gives us community for encouragement and that's certainly what I felt this semester in chapel. He completely flipped my heart to be renewed and reenergized to finish well and content. Only God can do something like that!
Not only did he work on me, I know he's working in the hearts of our students who are asking questions and learning daily what it means to
live the Fruit of the Spirit, not just know it. Furthermore, he's molding our teachers and using their lessons to impact their own lives! I tear up thinking about the "coincidences" that were certainly
not coincidences but God's holy timing in speaking to the teachers.
So here's a look at some of the fun things we did this semester in Elem Chapel.
Mrs. Okamoto loves to play with Isaac and he now looks for her at school. Mr. Song loves that Isaac is the only baby that likes him too! |
I was paying attention , I promise! |
My wonderful friends came to guest teach chapel. Brilliant. |
My favorite day of "coincidences". Jen was stressing out because of the list of things she had to do that morning, including teaching chapel. Jason actually mentioned to her to not let herself become swept up in the "Martha" mentality of completing a list. He didn't even know that she was teaching the lesson of Mary and Martha that morning!!!!!! And Pam put on a fantastic skit that really helped the kids understand the same story. (Different set of kids.) As she was explaining it, she got choked up, realizing that she may have to deal with some of the "Martha" mentality in her own life as well. What I love is that she didn't hide it from the kids. She was real and vulnerable and that's more impactful than eloquent words. I love our teachers :) |
A local ministry, SYME, came to guest teach for Easter. SO MANY PEOPLE in one room! haha! |
Some (not all) the elementary students at the end of the year. |
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